Scare Home Invaders Away All Year Long

As national Crime Prevention Month ends and Halloween comes and goes, we reflect on what can be done to make our homes as “scary” as possible to home intruders all year long. With the right tools, a homeowner can make his or her property the one house on the block that criminals know to avoid. All it takes is a smartphone (which most people already have) and a smart home security system (which all homeowners need in order to accomplish this goal). Once you have both, you’re ready to scare the burglars away – no costumes or spooky decorations needed. Here’s what your smartphone and security system will work together to do.

Make you aware of everyday security risks.

A break-in is a major event for the victim – but for a skilled criminal, home invasion doesn’t take much planning. Often, committing these crimes is dependent upon level of opportunity; a burglar takes advantage of an open door or window to get in and out quickly. If there’s no security system in place, then it’s smooth sailing for the criminal. But if there’s a monitored home security system with smartphone access, then the homeowner receives a notification about the open door. It’s just the kind of thing to scare away criminals – not just once, but for good.

Show criminals they’re being watched.

No one likes being watched, and no one likes being watched less than burglars and other home invaders. To keep these malevolent intruders away from your home, your security system can include connected cameras that capture real time video of them in the act. If they see the cameras, they are less likely to try anything – permanently. But if they attempt to break in regardless of the surveillance, their actions will be captured and you can view the video immediately from your smartphone.

Provide long term crime prevention.

Long after the month of October is over, break-ins can be stopped by the presence of smart home security. To learn more about home security systems that are scare home invaders away all year long, contact Park Security Systems for a free home security consultation.

About Park Security Systems

PARK Security Systems is a full-service, locally owned and operated provider of home security in Pennsylvania. PARK Security Systems’ certified expert technicians offer residential and commercial security solutions to our local homes and businesses.