Easing the Energy Load this Summer

Money in hand

It’s that time of year when businesses gear up for big energy use and the big utility bill that goes with it. But there is one way you can ease the energy load on your business while still keeping things cool inside. If you have a smart thermostat (equipped with Z-Wave® technology that you or someone you authorize can control with a smartphone), then you can save money on your bill for the hot summer months — all while feeling great about the energy being saved. 

What a smart thermostat lets you do.

Don’t have a smart thermostat yet? There’s still time to get yours before summer is in full swing. Here’s what a smart thermostat can help you do: 

  • Program your cooling system to trigger when you arm or disarm your security system. 
  • Create customized scenes, so all your connected technology works together at times you have pre-programmed. 
  • Make changes to the indoor climate from anywhere using your own mobile device.   
  • Reduce temperature spikes and enjoy a more pleasant summer indoors.  

It doesn’t end there. 

The story of your more comfortable summer continues with demand response programs, which your local utility provider may offer to help you save even more. If you aren’t sure whether your utility provider has a demand response program, then our Give Back, Get Back program can help you find out.

This program is designed to connect you to your local utility provider’s demand response program, so you can adjust your energy use in the summer while still keeping everyone in the building comfortable. 

How the savings work. 

Here’s how a demand response program works. During peak temperature events (there may be up to 10 in a single summer), your utility provider can ease the load on your local power grid by making small adjustments to your smart thermostat. When they do this, it lowers your bill and helps your entire community while still keeping your building cool. What better way to help your business and your neighbors at the same time? Don’t worry: Your utility company will give you a notice of their adjustments in advance, and you can opt out of any of the peak events (or the program itself) at any point. 

Getting enrolled is easy.  

Enrolling in the Give Back, Get Back program is simple, but everything starts with the smart thermostat. If you don’t yet have one for your business, now is the time to add it to your security and automation technology. Call Park Security today to request more information. 

About Park Security Systems

PARK Security Systems is a full-service, locally owned and operated provider of home security in Pennsylvania. PARK Security Systems’ certified expert technicians offer residential and commercial security solutions to our local homes and businesses.