Video Surveillance to Fight Pennsylvania Theft Rings

Video Surveillance to Fight Pennsylvania Theft Rings

Retail theft is rampant across the U.S., but the Keystone State is being hit particularly hard. In 2021, Pennsylvania’s annual $5.6 billion loss due to theft was the highest in the nation. Some of the measures retailers are taking to fight back include the following. 

Locking Up Their Merchandise 

In retail stores throughout Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs, everything from laundry detergent, to diapers, to personal care products are kept under lock and key to protect them from theft. Employees are required to unlock the cabinets for customers shopping for these items — but if anyone attempts to steal these items, staff is prohibited from intervening in the crime. According to one clerk at a major retailer, “All we can do is watch. They come in with bags, fill the bags. They leave.” 

Speaking Out Against Theft Rings  

Law enforcement has identified an explosion in organized theft rings, which have thrived as the traditional “black market” has been replaced by mainstream internet channels. This has given way to a new generation of thieves who see the ease of marketing stolen materials as an opportunity for themselves. Many theft rings deploy one person to make a distracting scene while other members grab items and flee the store. In counties where charges are not filed unless stolen goods are valued over a specific amount (for example, $500), retailers are engaging with their police departments and local governments to demand change. 

Implementing Effective Video Surveillance 

Without video surveillance, it is virtually impossible to present evidence for crimes of theft. Even in cases where numerous high value items are being stolen from a big box store, there is little law enforcement can do unless the retailer has a timestamped video recording of the crime. If you manage a retail operation in need of a video surveillance upgrade, now is the time to call Park Security Systems. We have security camera options for every size and scope of retailer. Video surveillance is the key to fight the brazen theft rings sweeping Pennsylvania, and we can help. To discuss your security needs, call us today.  

About Park Security Systems

PARK Security Systems is a full-service, locally owned and operated provider of home security in Pennsylvania. PARK Security Systems’ certified expert technicians offer residential and commercial security solutions to our local homes and businesses.

Steve Carper
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