Why You Need Glass Break Detection For Your Home

Why is glass break detection a critical part of your home security system? Aren’t motion detectors enough to stop an intruder in his tracks? They can be – but if an intruder breaks the glass on a door or window, glass break detection is the tool that typically stops him from going any further.

Why a Home Intruder Would Break Glass

True, broken glass is often associated with break-ins or smash-and-grab burglaries at businesses. But residential neighborhoods are far from immune to glass being the broken barrier to forced entry. If a door has a glass panel on it, a burglar may smash it to reach in and get the door unlocked. And of course, a sliding glass door around the back is another glass entry point that is vulnerable. In both these scenarios, glass break detection is your home security system’s first line of defense.

How Glass Break Detection Works

The glass break detection in your system is powered by sensors that monitor for the sound and vibrations of breaking glass. Effective glass break detection is tamper-proof and features dual shatter recognition technology.    

For homeowners with older security systems, glass break detection is just one reason to upgrade. Some older systems feature outdated glass break sensors with a higher probability of false alarms. Newer systems feature advanced signal processing that reduces these occurrences – and of course, they also feature other intuitive, smart home technology.

Glass break detection is one of the most important components of home security. Pennsylvania homeowners interested in upgrading their systems for more effective glass break detection and other home security technology, call Park Security Systems for more information. 

About Park Security Systems

PARK Security Systems is a full-service, locally owned and operated provider of home security in Pennsylvania. PARK Security Systems’ certified expert technicians offer residential and commercial security solutions to our local homes and businesses.

Steve Carper
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