Video Features to Boost Your Security Strategy Now

If you have a business to run, that’s where your time needs to go. With a more advanced video surveillance platform, you can instantly boost your security strategy so your energies can be devoted to the day-to-day running of your business, with the confidence that your video is monitoring incidents and capturing critical intelligence. Here are some of the features to look for in an advanced video surveillance platform. 

Online, On-Demand Access to Video 

You can’t be everywhere at once, but you can view your security video from anywhere if you have the right surveillance platform. What you need is a platform that gives you viewing access from any device with an internet connection — most importantly, your own smartphone. 

With this platform, you can securely view your video on demand. Where you are is irrelevant, because your dashboard is viewable with a simple login. This is the first step toward improving your security strategy.  

Intuitive Analytics and Intelligence  

Good business intelligence helps you make good business decisions. For that intelligence, you’ll need video analytics that intuitively know how to count people in the field of view, when someone has crossed a line into a restricted area, and what the high risk times are for loitering and property crimes. Better yet, you want a platform that lets you program your own analytical commands directly within your settings. This gives you total control over the insights you retrieve from your cameras. 

Adaptability to Existing Cameras 

The right video surveillance platform is never locked into a proprietary system. If you are hoping to control costs by retaining the cameras you already have, your platform should be able to adapt to your existing cameras, . Those platforms are out there, and we can recommend the right one for you.

These video features are what you need to give your security strategy a boost right away. When that happens, you can turn your attention to the daily concerns of running a successful business. Learn more about features like these by calling Park Security Systems today. 

About Park Security Systems

PARK Security Systems is a full-service, locally owned and operated provider of home security in Pennsylvania. PARK Security Systems’ certified expert technicians offer residential and commercial security solutions to our local homes and businesses.

Steve Carper
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